by chaya avital lapid
Copyright © 2019
The Amish
Amish is a group of traditionalist Christian who living a simple life, for example : They Wear plain dresses and they don’t using the technology
The history of the Amish church began with a schism in Switzerland within a group of Swiss and Alsatian Anabaptists in 17th century led by Jakob Ammann.
In the early 18th century many Amish immigrated to Pennsylvania.
As of 2000, over 165,000 Old Order Amish lived in the United States and about 1,500 lived in Canada
They wear clothes that look like old and plain dresses for the women and funny hats with overalls for the men.

The Amish live in small villages. Their homes are farms where they make their own food, clothes, and they also work on the farms

The occupations of Amish
The Amish are very busy people, They prepare cider, they carry hay, work in weaving of different fabrics and they have a lot of work on the farm.
They have a lot of time for their family because they don’t have phones and things like that so they spend a lot of time together. They hike, bake and work together!

An Amish education consists of eight years in a one room school house being taught by a teacher with an eighth grade education.

Published: Feb 18, 2019
Latest Revision: Feb 18, 2019
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-576042
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