The City
Verona is one of the most famous Italian cities.
It’s called ‘The city of Love’ beacuse the famous Shakespeare tragedy ‘Romeo and Juliet’ is set here.
In this amazing city you can visit many interesting places, such as the ‘Arena’, an acient roman buliding,
Castelvecchio, Porta dei Gavi, Porta Borsari and many more.
There are also different tour giudes that can guide you through the city.

The Shakespeare’s tour
The Shakespere’s tour is an interesting way to visit the city.
A tour guide will accompany you to discover all the secrets about the Shakesperean Verona.
The Shakespeare’s tour
During the Shakespeare’s tour you will the have opportunity to visit a lot of different places of Verona:
The acient Roman doors, from the Roman Verona, that are still around the city;
Castelvecchio, an important buliding for Verona, which is a huge castle built near the Adige. It was build by Cangrande Della Scala, who was the prince of Verona. Next to the castle there is a bridge, as an escape in case of attack. Nowadays the castle, which is a museusm, is an amazing example of medevial architecture.
Juliet’s house
Juliet’s house is the most famous attraction of Verona.
It’s a very romantic place that makes you dream.
In the couryard you can find and touch Juliet’s statue which is a lucky symbol.
You can also visit the house, where you can find Romeo and Juliet’s typical clothes and have a look inside a real medevial house.

Afternoon activity
A great idea for the afternoon could be doing a scavenger hunt.
The people who join the challenge have to do all the things that they are ordered to do, for example sing “O sole mio” with a stranger or interview someone who doesn’t know Italian.
At the end of the game, all the participants have to show how many challenges they did and those with the highest score win the game.

Advantages of the game
During the game, the participants will have the opportunity to meet new people and talk with them in a language that they don’t usually speak at home, for example English.
Another advantage could be working as a group and learning how to do it.
Published: Dec 16, 2019
Latest Revision: Dec 16, 2019
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