A tornado is one of the natural disaster.
A tornado is a big, powerful, local and destructive storm.
The storm is characterized by a narrow funnel that descends from the bottom of the storm cloud to the ground.
Tornadoes are caused by hot air that through them raises a moisture collection, which is mainly found in vegetation.
At 500 millibars, which is about 18,000 feet, or about 5.5 miles, the humidity meets cold winds, and sometimes also the jet stream (a strong relatively narrow air flow through the upper layers of the atmosphere), and the humidity is thrown back toward the ground, ususlly accompanied by hail and rain liver.
This vertical movement, combined with horizontal movement of local winds, creates weather instability and horizontal circulation of the system.
A tornado is a little different from other whirlpools in that the source of the storm is in the cloud itself rather than the air currents rising from the ground.
Usually the tornado will rotor clockwise in the northern part of the earth, but quite a few storms also rotate counterclockwise.
The word “tornado” is originally from the word is Spanish “tornar”, which means:”to turn around”.

Tornado Damage
The tornado can do a lot of damages as:
~ Destruction of log cabins and farms.
~Shattering windows.
~Uprooting tiled, roofs.
~Capable of pumping and flipping objects and
large objects such as: cars, roofs,buildings,
rocks, and animals.
~The tornado can also hurt in the person and
his soul.
Pictures of tornado damage
What to do when there is a tornado?
The following are safety rules:
~You should drop down to basement for protection.
~You should get into a car and drive away fast!
~You shouldn’t go out from the room until the tornado is over.
~You must run away from the tornado.
~You must be in a closed place with no windows.
~You mustn’t stay outside during a tornado.
~You mustn’t sit near a window so you can see when the tornado is coming.
My Blog
Hi, my name is Yael, I am 13 years old and I live in North America.
I want to to tell you about the recent tornado.
It was in the great freedom, my parents were abroad for two weeks, and my little sister and I were at my grandmother’s house.
One of the days of the great freedom, my little sister and I spent at grandmother’s house like any other normal day.
At night, when it was dark and everyone was asleep, mysterious noises began.
Slowly, the noises got stronger and I woke up from them.
I didn’t understand what was going on so I went to the living room, looked at the window and saw that there was a big storm that draws many things and made a lot of mess. I was very scared and stressed, and immediately ran to my
grandmother’s room and woke her up. I told her that there was a strong storm outside and I was terribly afraid.
Grandma immediately got up in panic, she didn’t understand what I wanted, until she heard the noises herself and also went to check.
She looked out the window and saw a tornado. She quickly ran to my little sister’s room and took her by her hands as she cried.
Grandma took my hand and took us to her warehouse.
Grandma’s waerhouse was large and without windows.
The luck was that I woke up just in time, otherwise the tornado would vacuum the roof of my grandmother’s house because it pretty old.
Our stay in the warehouse was very long because the tornado took a long time.
Luckily for us at grandma’s warehouse had some pillows and blankets and also some snacks so we survived pretty much.
During the storm my sister and I were terribly scared and I can admit that maybe I also cried a little because I missed my parents and wanted them to be with us right now.
But Grandma kept trying to calm us down and tell us everuthing would be fine.
Admittedly, my grandmother’s words calmed me down a bit, but I still had the thought of fear.
After about a moment, after the storm had calmed down, we left the warehouse in the direction of grandma’s house and went back to sleep.
In the morning when we got up, my parents called us and talked to us.
They heard the news that there was a tornado in our area so they wanted to see us and if everything was fine.
I told them that we were fine and Grandma was very worried about us and that I missed them.
They gave kisses and hugs, and so did I.
Tornado alerts in the world
Published: Feb 11, 2020
Latest Revision: Feb 11, 2020
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