This is a fox. It is part of wild nature.
бозайници |
warm-blooded animals with fur that have glands which give milk to feed their babies with
топлокръвни животни с козина; хранят малките си с мляко |
птици |
warm-blooded animals with feathers that lay eggs
топлокръвни животни, покрити с пера, които снасят яйца |
влечуги |
cold-blooded animals with dry scaly skin that lay lots of eggs
студенокръвни животни със суха люспеста кожа, които снасят множество яйца |

And this is the red panda
The red panda lives in the forests of South Asia. With its deep red fur and long bushy tail, it looks more like a fox. There are only 10,000 red pandas in the wild because people are destroying their habitat. Farmers cut down forests to grow crops. They use bamboo – the red panda’s main food – for building materials and to feed livestock. Even worse, hunters kill the animal for its coat. We must do something or the red panda will disappear forever!
Help the red panda.
• Join an organisation that protects the red panda.
• Sponsor a Forest Guardian, who cares for them in the wild.
• Adopt a red panda.
Published: Mar 27, 2020
Latest Revision: Mar 27, 2020
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-756209
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