the story started at the year 1987 when a teen called jotaro kujo who have connection to the joestars family that was a rich family at the years 1800 at america that killed by the vampire dio.

jotaro was 17 years old at the school but he wasnt very good person which made him goes to the jail but everyone was scared of him because he had some weird ghost that giving for him everything he wanted but he was only hands because he was too weak to be fully seenable

and then three peoples come to jotaro his mother holy,his grandfather joseph joestar and unknown person.
his mother and his grandfather wanted to take him out from the jail but jotaro didnt wanted to go out because he was scared that his weird ghost will hurt someone without purpuse.
but his grandfather joseph told him”jotaro that ghost known as a stands and stands can seen only by stand user” and he shown the stand to jotaro.
then the unknown person attacked jotaro with his stand magician red that shoots fire and controls it to get him out from the jail.
then jotaro started to show his stand.

jotaro started to attack the unknown person with his stand and then jotaro was out from chamber
which means he made him out.

at jotaro’s house joseph talked about the stands and told jotaro about dio the vampire that somehow survived.
and the unknown person intrudus him self”hello my name is abdul and im a mind reader”

joseph said” dio is back and with his stand he is even more stronger then before we need to beat him for good and he have my grandfather body and i can say it because he have a birth mark that every joestar have and the mark is a star that you jotaro and my doughter holy have too at the same place”
but jotaro wasnt seem to care about that,then he goes to his school.
jotaro seem to be popular with the girls at school so girls always fight on him but its annoyed him.
but then jotarohad a huge cut at his leg and he fell from the stairs but his stand saved him with a tree that was near.
but then some student helped jotaro and gave him a napkin.
jotaro gone to the nurse to help him with his cut at the leg but then jotaro saw something crawling at the nurse’s leg but he thought its his mind.
but then the nurse acted crazy, and jotaro saw the student from before and told his name:kakioyin. kakioyin was a stand user and he said”i was sended from dio to kill you” and jotaro pulled out his stand and attacked kakioyin and his stand heirophant green.
that have huge range and speed.

kakioyin’s stand heirophant green attacked jotaro and jotaro’s speed was huge but the range is low seem to be 2-3 meters which gave to kakioyin a plus at the fighting.
but then jotaro got mad that he used the nurse for his wants so he beated kakioyin but seem to not survive jotaro’s attack.
then jotaro took kakioyin to his house to show him to joseph and abdul.
joseph showed a brain attacker that control the mind and jesoph told”we are not ablae to take it out from his brain without critical damage to his brain” but jotaro used his stand to take it out without problems and damage because jotaro’s stand’s accurate is very huge that its able to take it out from his brain without damage.
kakioyin is a red hair student with green school uniform.

one day later: jotaro was on his way to school but something was weird, his mom holy didnt came to his to give him a goodbye kiss as everyday so he searched for her.
abdul went to the kitchen and saw holy faint and evolving a stand but holy’s body is too weak to survive the stand which means its killing her and jotaro and joseph found holy and abdul so they knew they have to kill dio to help holy but they didnt knew where he is but then they tried to find where he is at the photos that joseph brought so they used jotaro’s stand to search for anything at the photo to find a clue where dio is so he found a fly at the photo but its a spetific fly that was at only at egypt which means that dio is at egypt so gave them a place to start checking.
doctors came and said that holy dont have a lot of time”holy’s situation is bad and ho,y dont have alot of time to survive something like 50 days”
jotaro and the others knew they have to kill dio
but then kakioyin came and said they want to help killing dio too.
then abdul said”jotaro before we are going to egypt we need to name your stand” then he pulled out a tarot cards and said”pull out a card and we will name the stand”
jotaro pulled out a card and choosed a name: star platinum.

they went to a flight at a plane,
then they heard a fly in the airplane they thought its a stand attack but they didnt knew which passenger is the user and jotaro tried to attack the fly but he was too fast for his star platinum and the fly said”you cant hit me im faster then a bullet that was shotted from a gun when im facing it” and the fly took the tongue from the other passenger and writted”masacare” at the was from the blood from the tongue.
but then a old man woke up and went to the toilet and touched the blood at the wall and started to panick so they took them down before he will awake the other pasengers.
then kakioyin said that his stand is the best with that attack so he tried to hit the stand but he failed,then he smilled because the fly didnt notices that kakioyin’s stand heirophant green’s tail is coming to him to catch and explode him, and that plan worked.
and they found that the old man is the user’s tounge cutted to half.
but then joseph noticed the plane losing height so he went to the pilots place and saw the pilots are dead and the auto pilot is broken too so he have to control the plane and they crashed a sea near hong kong to take a ship.
jotaro and the others went to a resteruant to eat before the ship will come,then a france tourist and he asked joseph if he can read the menu because he wasnt able to read it so joseph order for him some food,and some star shaped carrots came to the table so the tourist took a star carrot and said”i have a friend with a mark like this at the body… right here” then the soup starting to moving and a stand starting to come out from the soup and they get it that the tourist is a stand user and abdul attacked the tourist with his stand magician red and the tourist’s stand silver chariot’s abilitys is having a sword and with the able to shot it once untile its will return and the ability so take of his armor out to gain speed but lose defence to which making him able to dodge attacks.

abdul tried to attack him but he wasnt able to hit him because silver chariot took the fire to his sword and holds it and uses the fire to make a statue of magician red.
and then abdul attacked polnareff with an attack “cross fire hurricane” that burned polnareff almost to death.
after some time the ship came and jotaro and the other was close to the ship but then polnareff came again but without the mind control that controled polnareff too like kakioyin but polnareff wanted to go with them to revenge his sister’s deat and then polnareff said to joseph:”hmm what is worng with your hand” and then joseph said:”my second hand is a robot’s hand because i lost it when i fighted at someone so i got a robotic hand from the germany army”
want to see what will happend next? so stay with me to seen more
Published: Dec 31, 2020
Latest Revision: Dec 31, 2020
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-985356
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