Vanuatu – An untouched land by Omer Keshet - Illustrated by NA -
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Vanuatu – An untouched land


Artwork: NA

  • Joined Mar 2014
  • Published Books 2


It got a ring to it doesn’t it?

Have you ever heard of this magical place? Big chances that you haven’t yet.

In this mini-book I will let give you a glimpse of this untouched diamond of the pacific.

The land of the smiling people and untouched scenery!

Vanuatu – An untouched land by Omer Keshet - Illustrated by NA -

So where is it?

Vanuatu is an island nation located in the South Pacific Ocean, a couple of hours flight from Australia.

There are regular flights from Fiji, Australia, New Zealand and Hong Kong.

Check out the map to the right to understand better where it is located, far away from all problems…there is a reason why these people have been voted for the happiest people in the world!

Vanuatu – An untouched land by Omer Keshet - Illustrated by NA -

My story begins with my big trip around the world, over the course of 10 months I have traveled Asia from Mongolia to Great China through the Philippines, Thailand, Laos, Macau and many more amazing places…one destination…Vanuatu, stood out from the rest.

I came to visit Vanuatu by chance…I needed a place to fly out from Australia and re-enter to renew my visa for another 3 months.

I searched what’s around, looked for good deals and found…Vanuatu – A real gem in the Pacific.


(Pictured on the right: Port Vila International Airport)

Vanuatu – An untouched land by Omer Keshet - Illustrated by NA -

I arrived to a super humid day, I am kind of used to it from SE Asia, but this was a bit more intense…luckily everyone where smiling and the air conditioner has also reached the far part of the world.


Pictured on the right: The street of Port Vila, The capital of Vanuatu

Vanuatu – An untouched land by Omer Keshet - Illustrated by NA -

Onto the main market at the heart of the small city.

The market has all the produce from the different islands of Vanuatu.

Each has its on unique yield.


BTW, Vanuatu is mostly sustained by its own produce and doesn’t import much…beside oil…which begins the alter the way the villagers live their lives (In a bad way in my opinion).

Vanuatu – An untouched land by Omer Keshet - Illustrated by NA -

I stayed for a few days in the capital in a great family guesthouse…just on the outskirts… a short mini-bus hop from the city.


In the picture is my room and hammock just outside…sea front view 🙂

Vanuatu – An untouched land by Omer Keshet - Illustrated by NA -

On to the islands!

I wanted to see one special island that has an active volcano…it is not the only one in Vanuatu, however, this is by far the most easily accessed and therefore the most touristic (If it can be said at all…maybe few hundreds visitors a month).

The island I chose to travel to is called Tanna, it is 1 hr flight south (You can take a boat…I tried, it takes 30 hours).

This is the islands jewel, Yassor volcano!
You can see a dance the natives carried out while I visited their village, it is more of a show as they don’t dress like this today, only on holidays and festivals.

Vanuatu – An untouched land by Omer Keshet - Illustrated by NA -

I stayed in a village not far away from the mountain…and by not far away, maybe an hours walk from it.

The land is so soft and fun to walk on, nothing can cut you so everyone walks bear-foot!


This is the village I stayed at.

Vanuatu – An untouched land by Omer Keshet - Illustrated by NA -

As we traveled from this location to the mountain we past many small creeks, this land is full of goods – wild bananas, fresh water shrimp, coconuts and other root plants all of which the villagers eat daily.

Vanuatu – An untouched land by Omer Keshet - Illustrated by NA -

Once we reach the edge of the forest…we have to cross a mars looking plains, this was a lake only few years ago…when suddenly within few days – it disappeared. The villagers were shocked and this is now the reality. Once a source of food…now a desert.

Vanuatu – An untouched land by Omer Keshet - Illustrated by NA -

A short hike (Ok maybe 30 minutes) up mount Yassor….as we hear it thunder and feel the mini quakes I am up in the ridge of the volcano.

This photo is a one of hundreds I took while up there, the volcano is very active…bursting every few minutes with lots of lava, a feast for the eyes….less for the nose 🙂

Vanuatu – An untouched land by Omer Keshet - Illustrated by NA -

Back to the village, I stayed there for another few days until I could catch a flight back to the main Island….The people were super friendly and the experience was one that cannot be told in words…I tried to give you a glimpse that will make you want to explore this great Island nation.

Vanuatu – An untouched land by Omer Keshet - Illustrated by NA -

So next time you feel like a vacation to the undiscovered places of the world..Vanuatu is the place to be!

Few of my friends traveled here for much longer periods than I did…and had an amazing experience.

The land and more importantly the people, make Vanuatu a unique nation!

Vanuatu – An untouched land by Omer Keshet - Illustrated by NA -
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