sümerliler by umut özçelik - Ourboox.com
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  • Joined May 2018
  • Published Books 2


Sumer, BC 3500 – BC They lived in Mesopotamia in the year 2000. The geneticist Cavalli-Sforza has claimed that the Kuwaitis may be genetically related to the Sumerians. Sumerian city states Sumerian city states Grain farming and domesticated animals of the Middle East have a special place in human history; because the first civilization is born of the way of life they lead. The world’s oldest civilization was born in the Sumerian country, lying on a plain (alluvial) rubble that stood as far as the Gulf of Basra along the downward folds of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Primitive agriculture techniques had to be fundamentally changed in order to be able to obtain abundant crops from river springs that created the Sumerian soil and were renewed every year.


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It was raining from the forested hills of the Middle East to the beginning of the summer, from growing crops to harvest time. But in the south the situation was very different, with almost no rain during the summer. As such, the harvest could only be secured by bringing the crops of the river water to the fields for irrigating. However, the construction and maintenance of irrigation canals and sets required hundreds, moreover thousands of people to work together ,and much tighter social discipline as seen in the first farmer communities. In the Neolithic villages, the small biological family probably formed the ordinary working community.


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Each family, in its usual situation, consumed the product of its own crops or fields; perhaps outside the ritual, religious opportunities, there was no need for the organized cooperation of a large number of people. Since the main differences were between age groups and between women and men, everyone was free at the same time and everyone was slaves to the ambiguity of air at the same time. This simple social structure has radically changed in the environment of river banks. The need for a large-scale human endeavor to control river water required that the enormity of the majority of people be governed by some sort of elite manager.


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It is unclear how an elite ruling class was born. The conquest of another community by a community may have divided society into masters, servants, rulers of rulers. On the other hand, the supernatural experts, known to be based on very old ones of the special places of human society, may have initiated a process of progressive task specialization. In later Mesopotamian myths, the gods are told that the people created them to meet the food, clothing and other needs of the temple of the god, a fully equipped god. Thus, the gods will have met their needs without inconvenience.


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We also have some knowledge of how these ideas are put into practice. For example, in Lagash, an article divides the territory of the city into three parts according to the type of shares the owners will pay to the god. Probably, in the hands of the farmers who paid the heaviest shares to God, there was little to be left to them; which left them forced to work in the name of god in some part of the year, ie in irrigation schemes or other planned jobs. In this way, some of the grain and other agricultural products that the farmers gave to the temple were paid in return for the special servants of the god, that is, those who were working under the administration of the priests.


It is understood that such a system allows thousands of people to realize the big projects. This system also allowed for the specialization of a wide range of artists – dancers, singers, dressers, cooks, choppers, dressers – who use all their skills to feed, dress, entertain and worship the gods with a delight and tantalizing delight. Because these experts no longer had to spend their time producing produce, people could have much higher skills and knowledge than they could ever have.


 Sümerler'e yazı


Thus, civilization is the first settlement in the lower regions of the Dicle-Euphrates Valley. 4000 BC, which can be read in the time of our scholars, written records begin to illuminate the social and intellectual aspects of Sumerian culture in some places. Until 3000 years, it appeared in a short time like a thousand years.

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