
by Rebecca b

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  • Joined Mar 2018
  • Published Books 1

a covering for the מזבח

Hashem commands alazar to use the makatote for a covering for the mizbeach 1 “וירם את המחתות” the makatote are 2 “כי קדשו” rashi asks why are the makatote considered holy if it caused 250 men to die? rashi answers… “המחתות אסורין בהנאה שהרי עשאום כלי שרת”


The punishment/ aarons and the angel of death

Hashem sent מגפה to bnei yisroel because Hashem was upset how they were blaming bnei yisroel. Aaron stopped the מגפה. He stopped him by using kotoret to teach bnei yisroel a lesson because chorach and the 250 men died from the kotoret doesn’t mean it is bad.


The staff lesson/ challenge


Hashem told moshe to tell bnei yisroel that each leader from each shavet should write their name on a stick and leave it in the אהל מאד. All of the sticks were surrounded around aarons. Rashi asks a question on why are all the sticks surrounded around Aarons? So they don’t say the only reason that aarons stick blossomed is because it was closer to the אהל מאד. the next day Aarons stick blossomed.


Bnei yisroel are concerned about the rules of the beit hamikdash


bnei yisroel are scared that hashem is going to kill them if they go close to the beit hamikdash.

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