Instagram VS Reality by Yuval Shaya -
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Instagram VS Reality

  • Joined Mar 2023
  • Published Books 10

Instagram is a platform that allows users to share their content and present it in a visually appealing way.

People often use Instagram to display the highlights of their lives and share positive moments with their followers.

This can lead to a misrepresent perception of reality, as the struggles and challenges that people face on a daily basis are not always highlighted on the platform.


Instagram VS Reality by Yuval Shaya -

Instagram can have a significant impact on young children and teenagers.

Instagram can create unrealistic expectations about what is considered beautiful or attractive.

Teenagers may feel the need to adjust to the beauty standards they see on the platform, which can lead to unhealthy behaviors such as excessive exercise, dieting, or cosmetic surgery.

Seeing photos of other people with perfect bodies and lives can also lead to feelings of envy and jealousy, low and damage self-esteem.

Instagram can also create pressure to spend money on products or experiences that are perceived as necessary for a “perfect” life. Influencers and brands often promote products on the platform, which can create a desire to keep up with the latest trends and spend money on products that are not essential.

Instagram VS Reality by Yuval Shaya -

We all need to remember that Instagram is a highlight reel, and not an accurate representation of someone’s entire life. People tend to post their best moments and most attractive photos, rather than sharing the difficult parts of their lives.

I believe parents should talk to young children and teenagers about the potential negative effects of Instagram and to encourage healthy habits such as limiting screen time, unfollowing accounts that promote unrealistic beauty standards, and focusing on positive self-talk and self-acceptance. Additionally, it’s important to model healthy behaviors and self-esteem for young people and to encourage them to prioritize their mental health and well-being above the perceived perfection portrayed on social media.


Instagram VS Reality by Yuval Shaya -

To conclude, It’s important to maintain perspective and remember that everyone has struggles and challenges, even if they aren’t visible on their Instagram feed.

Social media should not be a source of comparison or pressure to conform to a certain standard of perfection.

Social media should be viewed as a fun and entertaining platform but also should include real difficulties of our lives.

We all need to pay attention to keep it real and be hopeful that youngsters will grow with realistic beauty standards, self-acceptance.

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