Murder at François Furet by Bonnard -
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Murder at François Furet

  • Joined Feb 2018
  • Published Books 3

Chers lecteurs,


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Il s’agit d’un travail effectué en classe d’anglais dans le cadre de la Mission 3. En groupe, les élèves devaient raconter l’histoire d’un détective qui tente de résoudre un meurtre mystérieux au collège à partir des images de la première de couverture.


Bonne lecture,


M. Bonnard

Alicia Paul, Tara Ayme, Naïs Chrétien, Lilou Verdier

The relationship turned into a murder”

Miss Demontoux’s daughter has called the detective Boris Kaboo when she saw her mother dead the Thursday morning. Boris arrived and he look at the crime scene.

Miss Demontoux was lying down on her office and her daughter was crying. There was blood everywhere on the table and a knife in her chest. Someone stabbed her. On the ground there were footprints of blood. Maybe the murderer was still wearing the same shoes.

The detective asked the daughter if she had an idea of the culprit, she answered that it must be a teacher.

Boris interrogated Miss Leonie first:

– Where were you when the crime was committed ?

– I, I’m, I was correcting tests in my house with Mister De Monte. He is my best friend and we do everything together. But I hope you don’t think me culprit of that, I loved Miss Demontoux.”

After that, the detective received a call from the Miss Demontoux’s daughter who told him that the last recorded call of Miss Demontoux was with Mr. Bonnard at the time of the crime. So, Boris interrogated Mr. Bonnard:

– Mister Bonnard, why did you call with Miss Demontoux stop at 8:10 PM, at the time of the crime? He said rolling his mustache.

– She was my girlfriend and I took her news, but at that moment she stopped answering and hung up. I thought there was no connection. She was killed and it is the murderer who hung up. I suspect Miss Caruel because they had quarrelled, it seems to me.

– Thanks you, Mister, you help me a lot.”

Then, the detective interrogated Miss Caruel:

– Where were you when the crime was committed ?

– I had just left Miss Demontoux’s home. I had come to apologize.

– Have you seen anything ?

– Yes, I seem to have seen two shadows in front of her house. One man and one woman, but I didn’t know them.”

Boris Kaboo was going to the De Monte’s house in order to interrogate him:

– Where were you when the crime was committed ?

– I was walking in the park in Miss Leonie.

– Good alibi ! Your partner didn’t say that.

– I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

The detective looked at Mister De Monte’s shoes. There was dried blood!

– Where does the blood come from on your shoes ?

– Uh, I crushed a student who didn’t put parentheses…

– Tell the truth, Mister.

– Okay, I admit, it was me. But I wasn’t alone !

– I known, Miss Leonie was with you. Why did you help her ?

– … She doesn’t know it, but I love her.”

Miss Leonie arrived in the room, followed by two guards.

– It’s my fault, tell her.

– Why did you kill her ? ,ask Boris.

– Because she was in relationship with Mister Bonnard.

– And what ? Do you love him ?

– Yes, for two years. If I didn’t do it, they were going to stay together in Normandy.

– It was just a story of jealousy…”





Monday, February, 21th  8:30 AM


Mrs Demontoux was late, so Mrs Derhmand want to get her. And then, oh my God!!! Such a horror!! Mrs Demontoux was lying on her desk!

Two hours later, Mrs Minnier arrived on the crime scene. With her magnifying glass, she started to search some clues. There was so much blood! Mrs Demontoux had a knife in her heart. On the knife’s handle, there was a fingerprint! In the room, there was nothing, except for a bin, with an old mathematics test in it.

One hour later, Mrs Minnier asked some questions to Mrs Derhmand :

‘When is the last time you saw Mrs Demontoux ?’

‘Well, it was…this morning.’

‘How was she ?’

‘I’m not sure, but I think that she was a little angry.’

‘Do you know why ?’

‘There is a rumor that she fought with Mr Demont.’


Ten minutes later, Mrs Minnier and Mr Demont were talking.

‘There is a rumor, that you and Mrs Demontoux had a fight. Is that true ?’asked Mrs Minnier

‘Well, yes, it’s true. She said that Mathematics were useless.’

‘Could you kill for math?’

‘Why not ?’

‘Where were you, between 8:00 AM and 8:30 AM ?’

‘I was in my classroom, with my pupils.’

‘Mmmm…Okay, thank you for that.’

Mrs Minnier asked Mrs Derhmand if she could have the tabletime of Mr Demont. Mrs Derhmand gave her, and then, stupefaction !! Mr Demont started at 10:00 AM !!! Then, she called the police. They caught Mr Demont, and put him in prison with any lawyer or help.

Mrs Minnier was happy that she found the murderer that easely. Everything was becoming normal again.

But we could see, that in a corner of the play ground, behind a tree, a pupil was holding a bloody knife. It was Léon Janin, call the Caribou killer…


The incredible Aleksandra Garcia, Mathilde Obled, Alice Tosel and Solène Marrot

Hubert Uberd’s adventures 

Mrs L. mysterious death

I, the incredible detective Hubert Uberd, have been called by my fabulous assistant : someone found a dead body in the room 111 of the F. F. secondary school ! After a boring trip to the Parisian underground, I’m finally in front of the crime scene. And I’m shocked : it’s awful ! A pool of blood and a pen stuck in the head of the victim.

« Her name was Mrs Leoni… » My assistant said.

Damn it ! I didn’t heard her ! She’s like a real ghost.

« We found her body at 1:30 pm. The suspects are Mrs Descamps, who was setting students works, Aleksandra Garcia and Mathilde Obled, who were playing hide and seek in the corridors, and Tristan Garnier, because we found his DNA on the weapon.

– The pen ?

– Yes.

– Good. So I think it’s Mrs Descamps because…

– It can’t be her, she wasn’t in this corridor !

– It may be Aleksandra and Mathilde ; they weren’t suppose to be here.

– But it must be Tristan, there is HIS DNA and HIS fingerprints in the crime scene !

– Good, you are improving. Go interrogate him… »

So, my assistant went looking for Tristan :

« Hello boy…

– Hi.

– Do you know why you’re here ?

– No, I don’t ! I’m a serious student, I promise !

– You lie ! You have committed a crime : the murder of Mrs Leoni.

– No, it’s a mistake, it’s not me !

– If you admit now, the judges will be more understanding… We KNOW it’s you !

– They blackmailed me… »

Suddenly, he started crying.

« It’s not my fault… Mrs Demontoux gave me organic Tagada strawberry against my participation to this murder. Mr Bonnard and Mrs Ozier Lafontaine are accomplices ! They didn’t want to go to Normandie with Mrs Leoni because she snores ! »

And then, Mrs Leoni, who was just knocked out, has woken up !

« What ? It’s wrong ! »

Mathis Cerson, Yassine Chemnali, Pierre Ravat

The murder of Mrs Le Berre

In room 223, Tuesday at 4.17 pm Mrs Le Berre died with a knife. After the murder the school hired the detective. His name Faudé, he had twenty years old and he was tall and smart.

Faudé arrived and discovered the crime scene, Mrs Le Berre had a pen in her hand right and she was marking papers on the table. Faudé began to interrogate Mr Allasseur because his room was next to her room.

Faudé said:

“Where were you at the time of the murder?”

Mr Allasseur: “I left 1 hour earlier.”

Faudé interroged the cleaning man.

Faudé: “Where were you at the time of the murder?”

Cleaning man: “I left 30 minutes but I saw Samuel in the staircase.”

Faudé saw the table the Samuel’s copy, he had a horrible mark. Faudé requested Samuel’s notebook and took the digital print. Faudé saw that Mrs Le Berre had put a report to Samuel and asked to meet his parents. The digital print fit at Samuel. Faudé interroged Samuel and he confessed that it was him.

The end

Louis Techer
Lucien Lemoine
Guillaume Lennuyeux
Valentin Simonneaux


It was Thursday 23rd November.

When the students arrived in the miss Leoni’s classroom they saw she was dead. They were shocked by this. But, four students decided to call the police. Their names are Louis, Lucien, Guillaume and Valentin.

The four students decided to investigate themselves. To begin, they inspected the crime scene and they saw a coffee not finished and they have seen she was holding a pen too. They supposed she was marking papers when the crime was committed. The policeman said the crime was committed yesterday evening. So later, they decided to ask questions to the maid because she was at school yesterday evening . She said she had already cleaned miss Lenoi’s classroom. But , she saw miss Demontoux brought coffee to miss Leoni. So the students decided to interrogate miss Demontoux. They opened the miss Demontoux’s classroom.

-Hello Miss !

-Hello !

-Can we know what were you doing yesterday when the crime was committed ?

-Sure, I was at home

-Oh, but the maid said she saw that you were bringing coffee at Miss Leoni.

-Yes. I left the school night after this.

-Are you sure it was coffee ?


-We suppose it was poisonus.


They went to see the detective to say their hypotheties the detective inspected the coffee and found poison.

After miss demontoux confessed she killed miss Leoni because she had to give her money.

Evann Berthe
Violaine Favre Garcia
Alice Morin
Mathieu Pinto

The BDJ (best detective junior) came to the crime scene of Mme Le Berre. The body of Mme Le Berre didn’t move since the murder and she was lying on her desk with a paper next to her. She was killed by a gun. When she died she pressed the remote control and the projector was frozen. So the projector gave the time of the crime.

The crime was committed at 11:35.

– Hey v saw there is the phame of Mme Leberre.

– Oh let me see, boys she was speaking with Mr Bonnard.

– Hey guys they was pair?

– Mr Bonnard was jalous of Mme Le Berre.

Mr Brillaut so Mme Le Berre because she was are speakings with Mr Brillaut. So Mme Le Berre broke with him and to get revenge he killed her up.

Gabriel Poutrel
Aliocha Levy
Martin Hubert
Gordon Dextra


It was a beautiful Tuesday afternoon, the sun was shining and the students were leaving school because the class was finished.

Suddenly we heard a scream. Miss Le Berre was murderer. Inspector Gadjet arrived at school and discovered the crime scene.

Miss Le Berre was dead, her face on her office.

There was blood everywhere. There were fingerprints and some strange clues: a brown hat on the floor a grammar book. It was the hat of Mister Brillaud and the book of Mrs Prunet.

Inspector : “Where were you Mrs Prunet at 5.30 pm last Tuesday”?

Mrs Prunet : “I was running at the Park de Sceaux with Mrs Fouques. She can tell you”.

Inspector : “So you have an alibi”!

So the culprit was Mr Brillaud because of the hat and fingerprints.

Mr Brillaud killed Mrs Le Berre because he dreamt that he was a great mathematician.

Avramovic Marylou
Bessière Mathilde
Gicquelet Héloïse

The pen killer

The crime has been committed at François Furet. The detective Mary arrived on the crime scene. She saw that Miss Leonie was collapsed on her desk. Next to her, there were her keys, some papers and her cup of coffee. The detective was observing the room. She saw the cup of coffee and said :

  • “ Take that to examine in the laboratory”

Suddenly, she saw a pink pen on Miss Leonie’s head. She thought that it was weird. She decided to send it to the laboratory too.

One day later, she decided to interrogate Miss Demontoux.

  • “ Hello, you were a good friend of Mrs Leonie, weren’t you ? ” The detective asked.
  • “ Yes, I was. We were very close. ” Mrs Demontoux answered.
  • “ I’m sorry for you. When did you last see her ? ” The detective asked.
  • “ It was yesterday. We ate together at lunch and then, she went to her class to mark copies ” Mrs Demontoux said.
  • “ Thank you. And do you think if someone could be holding something against her ? ” Detective Mary asked.
  • No, sure no. Everybody liked her and she was close with Mr Bonnard ” Mrs Demontoux answered.
  • “ Ok, thank you for your account ”

A few hours later…

The detective saw Mr Bonnard.

The detective said :

  • “ Hi, Mr Bonnard, I have some questions to ask to you. ”
  • “ Oh, ok, is it about Mrs Leonie’s crime ? ” Mr Bonnard asked.
  • “ Yes. We found your fingerprints on the pink pen that we found on Leoni’s head ”,

Mary said :

  • “ She showed the picture of the pen on Mrs Leonie’s head. ”
  • “ OMG, yes it’s my pen ! I searched and I was marking papers with this pen. ” Mr Bonnar said.
  • “ Ok. It’s late, so we leave you. Thank you for your account. ” Mary said.

To be continued…

Damien MARO

The crime was committed at 4:17 PM in the Mathematics’ room. The victim was Mrs Le Berre. She was killed by a red pen. The detective’s name was Abdul, he was 29 years-old. He has some muscles and he was small. The potential suspect are Mrs Fouques and Mr Bonnard.

Who is the murderer ?

The detective came to the crime scene and he thought about murderwith a red pen. H saw a paddle of blood on the desk. Mrs Le Berre was marking papers when thee murder was comitted. She was laying down. Abdul first questioned Mrs Fouques :

«What were you doing at the time of the murder ?

-I was doing acrosport.

-Who was with you ?

-My students were with me.

-Have you seen something unusual with Mrs Le Berre ?

-No, I haven’t seen anything.

Abdul questioned the second suspect : Mr Bonnard. Abdul has an idea, he wanted to trap Mr Bonnard with a fake proof. He wanted to see the reaction of the suspect. Mr Bonnard, under pressure exerced by detective Abdul, confessed he murdered Mrs Le Berre. He was very scared about the consequences of his murder but he took 5 years in the jail

(the sentence was reduced because he confessed his crime). The reason of the murder was he accused Mrs Le Berre of stealing his french fries at the canteen.

Juliette Barthe, Amandine Perret, Emma Cheron, Anne Buggia

Darth Vador is back

When the inspector Caruel arrived at the crime scene, she was terrified:

Caruel: – Oh my god! What happened?

Léon: – I think she is dead! Because there is a lot of blood.

After checking.

Léon: – Yes, she’s dead.

Caruel: – Thank you but it’s really clear Léon: she is dead.

Léon: – Yes, I know.

The detective takes notes and photos.

Caruel: – So the weapon is the knife and she was been killed at…

She put her finger in the blood and she tasted it.

Caruel: – Hmm! 4: 53pm ! Okay! Let’s go to the school office to find the other suspect.

Léon: – Cool, I’m your assistant today!

Caruel: – No you are just a suspect.

Léon: – Oh. Ok.

They walked to the school office. When they arrived, Thomas told them that the suspects where already in “Permanence”. Detective Caruel sat behind a desk Mr De Monte, Léon, Maxence and Mr Bonnard were there.

Caruel: – Firstly, I am gonna ask some questions to Mr De Monte. Please leave the class! Mr Bonnard, Maxence and Léon leave the class!

Caruel: – Okay, take a seat! Where were you between 4: 30pm – 5:30pm.

Mr De Monte: – Well… I was with my caribou because he got an hour of detention.

Caruel: – Did you heard something?

Mr De Monte: – No, nothing.

Caruel: – Did you suspect someone?

Mr De Monte: – No, she was friends with everybody.

Caruel: – Okay, thank you…Can you ask Maxence to come?

Mr De Monte left and Maxence takes a seat.

Caruel: – Hello Mr Maxence – She checked her notebook – What can you say about your alibi?

Maxence: – Hum…I was with Mr Bonnard to pass a test again when we heard a scream.

Caruel: – A scream? Really? Interesting… Was it a man or a woman?

Maxence: – It’s a woman! Surely!

Caruel: – Okay! Thank you! You can call Mr Bonnard.

One minute later:

Mr Bonnard: – Good Morniiig class! Euh sorry! Uhm. Hello Mrs Inspector.

Caruel: – So! Where were you when the crime was committed?

Mr Bonnard: – Oh! I see… I was in my classroom, I was correcting some tests.

Caruel: – Are you suspecting someone?

Mr Bonnard: – Honestly…yes, I saw that last week Mr De Monte fell out with Mrs Demontoux. I heard that Mrs Demontoux ran over one of his cats with her car. Mr De Monte was devastated.

Caruel: – Thank you, you can leave and Léon can come.

Léon: – Hello.

Caruel: – Hi, Mr Janin.

Léon: – Are you sure you don’t need an assistant?

Caruel: – No way! You are here because you are one of the suspects.

Léon: – Me!? Impossiiiiiible!

Caruel: – Okay; if it is “Imposiiiiiible” where were you during the crime?

Léon: – Pffff…I was having an hour of detention with Mr De Monte.

Caruel: – Ahhh! You were having the detention and at the same time Maxence was passing his English test again.

Léon: – Euh no.

Caruel: – Can you explain?

Léon: – He already did it.

Caruel: – Oh yes I forgot. Okay you can call everyone I know who the murderer is!

Léon: – Greaat!!! Everybody, you can come.

They all sat in the class.

Caruel: – Someone in this room is lying. Does anyone want to come forward!

We hear flies fly…

Caruel: – So, Policemen you can come!!! So I ask Mr Marius or should I say Mr Bonnard to stand up.

The policeman handcuffed Maxence, everyone was shocked…and they also handcuffed Mr Bonnard.

Léon: – What!? I don’t understand anything!

Caruel: – I can explain, Mrs Demontoux discovered a secret. When she made the papers for the Normandie, something was wrong. On Maxence’s Identity card, the family name was Bonnard and not Marius. Everything was on her desk when I searched Mr Bonnard knew that the secret wasn’t anymore a secret. He would fired! With Maxence they started to plan the crime. Everything was planned…Well… almost…Léon was having an hour of detention…

Everything you say will be kept against you!

Mr Bonnard: – I am his father!!

Julie Monsef
Juliette Siossian
Jade Raveloson
Yani Outtagarts

A detective arrived at the crime scene. Her name is Ima Ganary, she is 24 years old, she is tall, she has burgundy hair, and she has blue eyes. Miss Ganary found 5 potential suspects. There was Mrs Demontoux who wasn’t in the teacher’s lounge. The best friends of Pablo, Valentin and Corentin, were looking for him during lunch time but they didn’t find him so he is a potential suspect. Then Miss Leoni was teaching Alexksandra so she may be the murderer. What’s more, she loves Mr Bonnard in secret and like Miss Leoni and Mr Bonnard were very close, Alexandra may have committed a passional crime. Miss Ganary interrogated all the suspects.

She started with Mrs Demontoux :

– Miss Ganary : “Where were you at the moment of the crime?”

– Mrs Demontoux : “What! Why are you suspecting me? I was in a pizzeria near the school alone.”

Then the detective went to see Pablo and she asked the same question :

– Pablo : “I didn’t kill Mrs Leoni because I was in the infirmary. It is true that we were arguing but I still liked her.”

In the end, Ima Ganary interrogated Alexksandra when suddenly the door opened and Mrs Leoni appeared.

She said : ” Stop talking so loud, I have a headache and I just woke up so I am tired. And someone spilled my cup !”


The end

Arthur Faure
Mathis Massabuau
Nassim Fares
Nolan Cochin

A bright murder

Mrs Demontoux died on 24 January 2019 at 6 pm. She died in her bedroom when she was marking tests of the 3D. The weapon was a knife.

When the detective discovered the crime scene he saw Mrs Demontoux dead on the desk stabbed by a big knife. There was a big blood paddle. He saw the tests on her desk and he thought she was correcting the tests when she died.

The detective, Massim Faurin showed 3 pictures of the suspects to Mr Bonnard and the detective said :

_ I saw this one running out of Mrs Demontoux ‘s appartment.

_Ok, so you saw MrBrillaud running out of Mrs Demontoux ‘s appartment when she died.

Now that the detective knew this information he interrogated Mr Brillaud :

_A witness saw you running out of Mrs Demontoux ‘s appartment when she died, what can you say about that ?

_Euh … I was late for a meeting with my colleagues.

Then Massim Faurin interrogated the colleague of Mr Brillaud, the colleague told the detective :

_Mr Brillaud wasn’t at the meeting of the 24 January.

Paul Aragones, Rachel Manche, Shayana Ekaba-Itoua

Hello, my name is Rachel. Drama happened in the school François Furet. Miss Le Berre was killed in her classroom. When the detective Mr Bonnard arrived and discovered the crime scene, identified immediately the victim, is Miss Le Berre. He touched her body. He supposed she was died recently. After, the detective took a picture of the crime scene and he interrogated the witness and the suspect. He interrogated a witness Shayana. She discovered the body at 1:00 PM. She affirm only Damien, was with she, but he left during 3 minutes. In the corridor, she saw Mathis and Violaine. The detective Mr Bonnard interrogated the suspect and he selected 4 persons Mathis, Shayana, Damien and Violaine for verified all alibi. Shayana was in the IT room with Damien. Damien confirmed that he has not left the room. Mathis fought with Victor until 1:05 PM. Violaine said she listened to K-pop with Pierre.

The detective spoke to the suspect

Mr Bonnard: “Damien you liked to Shayana your girlfriend who said you weren’t there for an hour in the room with her.”

Damien: “I’ve been away to go to the classroom.”

Mr Bonnard: “You lied! I asked the school life and they told me the canuas were closed. Admitting it is you who has killed Miss Le Berre, but you are not alone. You have an accomplice.”

Damien: “Yes, I’m murderer, I killed Miss Le Berre because my girlfriend had a bad mark and she cried. My accomplices were Mathis and Violaine.”

Mathis and Violaine: “You betrayed us. I thought you were on our side.”

Damien: “Yes, but I’m just divert Miss Le Berre.”

Mr Bonnard: “I don’t want to disturb you in your very interesting conversation but I wanted to know why Mathis and Violaine killed Miss Le Berre.”

Violaine: Violaine cried and mumbles “I didn’t want to kill her but I did a job on K-pop in maths lesson and she spoke to me only I wasn’t the place and it sucked so I took my scarf and strangled it.”

Detective: “I don’t this is a good answer but good and you Mathis?”

Mathis: “While Violaine strangled him I put two stab wounds in his bead because she gave me a rapport because of my behaviour.”

Mr Bonnard: “It’s sad you killed a teacher who was just doing her job for a correction house”

Case closed!

Declercq Augustin
Vandais Théophile
Janin Léon


When the detective arrived at the crime scene, he heard nothing. Many people were crying, nobody was moving. The principal came to the detective and she explained the situation:

– Miss Demontoux was murdered this morning. She was a very good teacher and she had no conflict with her colleagues.

– I will ask many questions to solve the mystery. All the teachers will stay here. I will begin with you, Miss Lagrange. What were you doing this morning?

– I started by meeting all the pupils at the school, at 8:00 a.m. After I went to a very important meeting at 10:00 a.m.

– Who was present at this meeting?

– I remember… There were all the French teachers: Miss Caruel, Miss Leonie and Miss Prunet.

– How long was the meeting?

– It finished at 12:00 a.m.

The detective came back to the cafeteria, and all the teachers were together

– So, Miss Minier what were you doing at 11 a.m?

– I was in the teachers’ launge with Mister Bonnard and Mister Ramier, we were marking tests.

– Thank you Miss Minier. I will ask some questions to Mister Demonte.

The detective went to Mister.

– Okay Mister Demonte, what were you doing during the murder, at 11 a.m?

– I was drinking a coffee in the teachers’ launge.

– Were you alone?

– No there was… Miss Leonie…Mister Travaillé, and… Miss Descamps.

I was speaking with Mister Travaillé when I was finishing my coffee.

– Thank you, Mister Demonte.

The detective came to Mister Bonnard.

– What were you at 11 a.m?

– I was in the teacher launge with Mister Ramier and Miss Minier.

– Is it everything?

– Yes, not all the teachers were there.

– Do you know where Mister Travaillé is?

– I believe someone said that he was sick.

-I nteresting…

The detective came back to Miss Lagrange and said:

– Where is the knife from?

– It looks like the cafeteria’s knife.

The detective went to the lunch lady.

– Did you see something strange?

One of hers said:

– Oh, yes. I’ve seen Mister Demonte at 8 a.m in the cafeteria but normally he doesn’t eat in the cafeteria. It’s the first time he went to the cafeteria.

He came back to mister Demonte and said very loudly:

“You are under arrest”.

Nina Thomas
Clarisse Gerce

A murder at school

After the school called, the detective Mr Andrews came to the crime scene. He saw footprints on the floor and blood on tha wall. Mr Andrews asked the witness, Mr Allasseur :

« – What did you hear ?

– I was in my classroom when suddenly, I heard a scream so I wanted to see over-there and I saw a shadow.

– Ok thank you.

– Oh, I forgot, she had a poney tall !

– It’s a very good clue, thank you very much ! »

After that, the detective was looking for a woman with a poney tall but he found just Mr Demonte, so he asked him :

« – What were you doing at the time of the murder ?

– Because someone thinks they saw you.

– It’s impossible, I was leaving !

– Yet, the footprints found in the crime scene are yours and after I went into in your office, and I searched, I found your book where it was written the name of your victims. I saw everything and I know what you did. You are the killer ! You killed her because you hated Mrs Leberre ! »

Mr Demonte confessed, he is gulty of the murder at school. Now, he is in prison and Mrs Leberre is in a cimetary.

Jade Dossa
Aden Arabi
Maëlle Barthelemy
Camille Satin

The murderous madness

When I came on the crime scene, I saw a woman slumped over her desk. She had been killed, the murderer took her by surprise. No signs of struggles, that was a fast and brutal death. The victim was Ms.Le Berre, she has been found in her class rooms at 4 :40 pm by the headteacher. She must have been killed 30 minutes ago because the scientic police has examined the body and determined the time of the murder.

– I have investigated and students said that the pupils Thomas O’Reilly was in hour of detention with the victim until 4 pm.

– Mr.Bonnard was marking tests with her, but from that he said, he left her and Thomas close to 3 :50 pm. Thomas has confirmed what he said.

– Concerning the headteacher, some details remained to be to precise. She said, she was in her office but Thomas saw her when he was leaving the Ms.Le Berre class room. She was going to Ms.Le Berre class room. He said, their discussion seemed serious and personal.

– Furthermore some rumours were spreading, one caught my attention. Ms.Pembroke, the headteacher diverted the middle school’s money and Ms.Le Berre knew and wanted to denounced her.

Ms.Pembroke did not tells me all the truth. So, I called her in her rows :

«  -Marry : Miss Pembroke!!

-Pembroke : Yes.

-Marry : -Just some question. So do you know that some rumours about you are spreading ?

-Pembroke : No, whiches ?

-Marry : Do you use school money for personnal purposes ?

-Pembroke : What ! No, it exaggerate.

-Marry : Tell me the truth. You know it’s a time saver for me and a reduced sentence for you.

-Pembroke : I had moneys problems, but I swear i was going to repay everything. Please, it’s true.

-Marry : -Where were you close 4 :10pm ?

-Pembroke : I was talking with Ms.Le Berre. Am i fired ?

-Marry : I don’t know, thank you Miss. »

+After, I have made a lot research about Ms.Pembroke, I have checked her bank account and these of the school the sums were colossal.

She has a motive, she was the last person to have seen the victim alive, she has lied and she didn’t have an alibi. So, I arrested her.

« -Pembroke :-Why did you arrest me ?

-Marry : Because, you are the culprit.

-Pembroke : No, it’s a mistake, I’m not!

-Marry : Do you have an evidence to prove it ?

-Pembroke : No, but please I’m not.

-Marry : Tell me all the truth.

-Pembroke : Well, I killed her in a murderous rage. I didn’t want but when she said that she wanted denounce me… I saw the pen and I hit her in her head. When I saw the blood and when I understood that she was dead, i panicked. So, I took a tissue and I scrubbed kinda the pen to wipe off my finger prints.

I didn’t want to go to detention, well, I decided to called 911 and said that i had discovered the body. I regret so bad but I didn’t control me I was mad of rage and she couldn’t defend herself.

I’m so sorry, I was overwhelmed by angry. I’m so sorry.

-Marry : Miss Pembroke, I arrest you for murder without premeditation and for entertainment of money illegally. You have the right to remain silent.

Miss Pembroke have been condemned to 45 years of detention without possibility of remission.


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