Nancy Wake by Shani Shuster - Illustrated by Shani Shuster and Shira Shraga י'1 -
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Nancy Wake


Artwork: Shani Shuster and Shira Shraga י'1

  • Joined Jan 2020
  • Published Books 3


Nancy Grace Augusta Wake also knew as The White Mouse was born on August 30th, 1912 in New Zealand to a poor family. In 1940, after marrying a wealthy man, she joined the army to become a nurse for the Allied Forces in World War II.
Even though she started off only as a nurse, her heroic actions led her to become a high-level officer and one of the people the nazis wanted most.

After she died Writer Karen Curtis and Director Mike Smith released a duco-drama about her life as an undercover agent.



 Nancy Wake in the 30’s before the war.

תוצאת תמונה עבור ‪nancy wake the white mouse‬‏In 2014 a movie about her heroic actions was released.

תוצאת תמונה עבור ‪nancy wake the white mouse‬‏Nancy and her husband Henri Fiocca.


Nancy Wake started her journey as a regular nurse in the army.
Her husband and she joined the French Resistance movement. Wake worked manning the dangerous escape routes through France helping to save the lives of many Allied troops and Jewish refugees by giving them fake identities and sending them to Britain safely. She did whatever needed to be done to save them. She was known as “The White Mouse” (a name the Gestapo gave her) because whenever they thought the finally caught her, she disappeared.
When Wake arrived in England, the British Government trained her to be a professional spy and she began to work in the Special Operations Executive in Paris. Wake and another member were assigned to distribute weapons among the resistance fighters who hid in the mountains before D-Day.
Wake went back to the headquarters in Paris and moved to the one in London.

תוצאת תמונה עבור ‪ww2 Special Operations Executive Headquarters in Paris.‬‏The symbol of the Special Operations Executive Headquarters in Paris.

תוצאת תמונה עבור ‪allied forces in ww2‬‏Soldiers of the Allied forces in WW2. Nancy treated them when they needed help.


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