Ourboox Book Of Wonders by Patricia de Hemricourt - Illustrated by freedigitalphotos.net  : Book Cover by Supertrooper, inner illustrations by  Kromkratog, akarakingdoms, bplanet, Nuttakit, Ohmega 1982, Vichaya Kiatying-Angsulee, Master isolated image, Danilo Rizzuti - Ourboox.com
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Ourboox Book Of Wonders


Artwork: freedigitalphotos.net : Book Cover by Supertrooper, inner illustrations by Kromkratog, akarakingdoms, bplanet, Nuttakit, Ohmega 1982, Vichaya Kiatying-Angsulee, Master isolated image, Danilo Rizzuti

  • Joined Oct 2013
  • Published Books 5

Once upon a time, there was a writer who wanted to write a book and have it illustrated…



Ourboox Book Of Wonders by Patricia de Hemricourt - Illustrated by freedigitalphotos.net  : Book Cover by Supertrooper, inner illustrations by  Kromkratog, akarakingdoms, bplanet, Nuttakit, Ohmega 1982, Vichaya Kiatying-Angsulee, Master isolated image, Danilo Rizzuti - Ourboox.com

So she wrote a story, a beautiful story that everyone liked.


Yet, without illustrations, the story was incomplete.

Ourboox Book Of Wonders by Patricia de Hemricourt - Illustrated by freedigitalphotos.net  : Book Cover by Supertrooper, inner illustrations by  Kromkratog, akarakingdoms, bplanet, Nuttakit, Ohmega 1982, Vichaya Kiatying-Angsulee, Master isolated image, Danilo Rizzuti - Ourboox.com

The writer had no money, and certainly could not draw or take pictures.

Ourboox Book of Wonders Illustration by bplanet

So, for years, the book sat at the bottom of a drawer, gathering dust and motes and never being read.

Ourboox Book Of Wonders by Patricia de Hemricourt - Illustrated by freedigitalphotos.net  : Book Cover by Supertrooper, inner illustrations by  Kromkratog, akarakingdoms, bplanet, Nuttakit, Ohmega 1982, Vichaya Kiatying-Angsulee, Master isolated image, Danilo Rizzuti - Ourboox.com

Then, one day, as she opened her Facebook, a friend invited her to join a community of writers, illustrators and many others.





So she joined, and uploaded her story.



Ourboox Book of Wonders Illustration by Ohmega1982

Soon, she met a wonderful illustrator who loved her story.

Ourboox Book Of Wonders by Patricia de Hemricourt - Illustrated by freedigitalphotos.net  : Book Cover by Supertrooper, inner illustrations by  Kromkratog, akarakingdoms, bplanet, Nuttakit, Ohmega 1982, Vichaya Kiatying-Angsulee, Master isolated image, Danilo Rizzuti - Ourboox.com

A few days later, her book was illustrated, uploaded and widely shared by friends, friends of friends, friends of friends of friends, friends of friends ofriends of friends……

Ourboox Book Of Wonders by Patricia de Hemricourt - Illustrated by freedigitalphotos.net  : Book Cover by Supertrooper, inner illustrations by  Kromkratog, akarakingdoms, bplanet, Nuttakit, Ohmega 1982, Vichaya Kiatying-Angsulee, Master isolated image, Danilo Rizzuti - Ourboox.com

So, now her story is widely read and she is soooo happy!

Ourboox Book of Wonders Illustration by Danilo Rizzuti
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