Study English with the Beatles

by Maria Letizia Ricci

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Study English with the Beatles

  • Joined Apr 2017
  • Published Books 14
Study English with the Beatles by Maria Letizia Ricci -

Inserisci negli spazi vuoti della canzone le seguenti parole e i seguenti mestieri (jobs) :

parole – words: mestieri – jobs:
play nurse
people fireman (X2)
strange banker (x2)
clean barber (x2)

POPPY: a plant that has red flowers and black seeds PAPAVERO


JANE works in a hospital. She’s a _ _ _ _ _ (5 LETTERS)
DAVE works in a concert hall. He’s a _ _ _ _ _ _ (6 LETTERS)
NELLY works in an office. She’s a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (9 LETTERS)
JOHN works in a bank. He’s a _ _ _ _ _ _ (6 LETTERS)
FRED works in a fire brigade. He’s a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (7 LETTERS)
BRAD works at the post office. He’s a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (7 LETTERS)
KATE works in a restaurant. She’s a _ _ _ _ (4 LETTERS)
JACK shaves men. He’s a _ _ _ _ _ _ (6 LETTERS)
SARAH works in a school. She’s a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (7 LETTERS)

Study English with the Beatles by Maria Letizia Ricci -

Collega le frasi con i numeri a quelle con le lettere individuando lo stesso significato
1. Penny Lane era un luogo che John e Paul conoscevano davvero.
2. Paul e John ne ebbero nostalgia.
3. Era il terminal del loro autobus.
4. Paul, per andare a casa di John, doveva cambiare a Penny Lane e lo stesso John con lui, nei pressi di una rotonda (il roundabout della canzone).
5. Era un posto che entrambi conoscevano ed entrambi conoscevano i fatti che si trasformarono nella storia (della canzone).
6. Il titolo della canzone derivava dal nome di una strada vicino alla casa dell’infanzia di Lennon perchè lì era la casa dove lui visse fino a 5 anni ( al numero 9 di Newcastle Road vicino Church Road) nella città natale del gruppo, Liverpool, Inghilterra.
7. McCartney e Lennon si incontravano a Penny Lane che era un (importante) incrocio per prendere gli autobus perchè lì passavano tutti i bus per andare in centro.
8. Oggi la strada è un importante punto di ritrovo ricercato dai fans dei Beatles in visita a Liverpool.
9. Nel passato, la targa che indica la strada, era bersaglio costante dei turisti che la rubavano e che doveva continuamente essere rimessa.
10. I vigili si stancarono e cominciarono a dipingere la scritta sulle facciate degli edifici.
11. Si crede che la strada sia dedicata ad un certo James Penny, mercante di schiavi del XVIII secolo.
A. City officials gave up and began painting the street name on the sides of buildings.
B. In the past, street signs saying “Penny Lane” were constant targets of tourist theft and had to be continually replaced.
C. It was a place that they both knew, and so they both knew the things that turned up in the story.
D. It was actually a bus terminus.
E. It was really a place that John and Paul knew.
F. McCartney and Lennon would meet at Penny Lane junction to catch a bus into the centre of the city. During the 1960s, this was a significant bus terminus for several routes, and buses with “Penny Lane” displayed were common throughout Liverpool.
G. Paul would get a bus to house’s Lennon and he’d have to change at Penny Lane, or the same John to him , so we often hung out at that terminus, like a roundabout.
H. Penny Lane is believed to be named after James Penny, an 18th-century slave trader.
I. Penny Lane was kind of nostalgic.
J. The song’s title is derived from the name of a street near Lennon’s childhood home for his first five years (9 Newcastle Road, just off Church Road), in the band’s hometown, Liverpool, England.
K. Today the street is an important landmark, sought out by many Beatles fans touring Liverpool.

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