The weirdest job in the world by shlomi - Illustrated by shlomi reisner using GPT -
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The weirdest job in the world


Artwork: shlomi reisner using GPT

  • Joined Mar 2023
  • Published Books 11

Professional mourning, also known as a mourner for hire or a funeral mourner, is a practice that has been observed in various cultures throughout history. In some societies, the act of hiring mourners to attend funerals and express grief is seen as a way to honor the deceased and provide a more solemn atmosphere.


The role of professional mourners is to display mourning rituals and expressions of grief during the funeral or memorial service. They may weep, wail, or engage in other mourning behaviors to create an atmosphere of sorrow. The intention is to demonstrate the importance and impact of the deceased individual, as well as to provide emotional support to the bereaved family and friends.

The weirdest job in the world by shlomi - Illustrated by shlomi reisner using GPT -

Professional mourners can be found in different parts of the world, including parts of Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. Their presence is often sought for various reasons. In some cases, families may hire mourners to ensure a large turnout at the funeral, as a larger number of attendees can be seen as a sign of respect and honor for the deceased. Mourners may also be hired to compensate for a lack of close family members or friends who can attend the funeral or to amplify the grief expressed by the immediate family.


It’s important to note that the use of professional mourners is not universally accepted or practiced. The extent to which this tradition exists varies across different cultures and communities. In some cases, the practice has diminished over time due to changing cultural norms or a shift towards more personal and intimate funeral ceremonies.

The weirdest job in the world by shlomi - Illustrated by shlomi reisner using GPT -


Here are a few examples:


Countries where professional mourning is known to exist today:

  1. China: In certain regions of China, particularly in rural areas, professional mourners are still hired to enhance the funeral experience. They may sing dirges, cry, and perform rituals to express grief and pay tribute to the deceased.


  1. Taiwan: Similar to China, Taiwan has regions where professional mourners, known as “mingxitai,” are hired to perform mourning rituals and express grief during funerals. Their role is to add solemnity to the occasion and show respect for the deceased.


  1. Ghana: In parts of Ghana, professional mourners, called “mourners for hire” or “dirge singers,” are engaged to lead funeral processions and perform elaborate mourning rituals. They play an essential role in celebrating the life of the deceased and comforting the bereaved.


Countries where professional mourning was practiced in the past:

  1. Ancient Egypt: In ancient Egyptian society, professional mourners were hired to lament and mourn during funerals. Their role was to invoke a sense of grief and express sorrow on behalf of the deceased’s family.


  1. Ancient Rome: In ancient Rome, professional mourners, known as “praeficae,” were employed to deliver funeral orations, recite eulogies, and express grief through wailing and lamentations. They played a significant role in public funerals.


  1. Ancient Greece: In ancient Greek culture, professional mourners, called “moirologists,” were hired to lead funeral processions and perform mourning rituals. They would chant dirges, recite poetry, and grieve loudly to honor the deceased.
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