THE WORLD İS ON FİRE by Arda Çülban -
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  • Joined Apr 2022
  • Published Books 1

                                  Global Warming

Global warming is an increase in the average temperature of the earth’s surface over time. This rise results from the “greenhouse effect,” in which gases such as carbon dioxide trap heat within the earth’s atmosphere. The climbing temperatures could cause catastrophic climate change.In 1896, Swedish scientist Svante Arrhenius publicly predicted that increasing carbon dioxide levels within our atmosphere would raise the temperature of the planet. However, he expected humankind to benefit from the additional warmth. Scientists developed a different view of global warming during the twentieth century. In 1957 geophysicist Roger Revelle and geologist Hans Seuss composed a paper which advanced the theory that burning fossil fuels had contributed to global warming. That same year, American scientist David Keeling started monitoring and documenting an annual rise in carbon dioxide levels. In 1982, Revelle warned that global warming could melt the earth’s glaciers and subsequently raise sea levels dangerously. In 1988, NASA scientist James Hansen testified before Congress and declared his near certainty that, based on computer models and temperature measurements, “…the greenhouse effect has been detected, and it is changing our climate now.”


The industrial revolution of the late 1700s and the early 1800s brought about a change in the way nations approached labor, manufacturing and energy production. We began to burn large quantities of fossil fuels, including natural gas, coal and oil. While the release of greenhouse gases increased, the amount of oxygen vegetation produced fell as people cut down forests to provide logs for fuel. The scientific journal “Nature” published a study that predicted the Earth’s average temperature would rise between 3.6 degrees and 20 degrees Fahrenheit over the next century. However, the average increase over the last century has been only 0.6 degrees Fahrenheit.Global warming may make some regions more hospitable for longer periods. However, it probably will result in longer, more intense heat waves in the warmer spots of the world. It also may trigger natural disasters, including floods, hurricanes and drought. Increased precipitation and temperatures in certain areas could encourage the breeding of disease-carrying pests, such as mosquitoes. Greater heat also may increase the production of ground-level ozone, a pollutant which can damage your lungs.


Many scientists and writers point to humankind as the sole creator of global warming. Those on the other side of the issue think it’s strictly a function of nature. In all probability, both theories contain some truth. A common myth posits that scientists have not reached a consensus about global warming. However, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has concluded that global warming poses a genuine threat, and that human activities largely have created the condition. Most reliable polls of the scientific community indicate overwhelming support for the notion that humans are the primary contributors to global warming.We may be able to decrease our carbon footprint and stop or slow global warming. For example, replacing the incandescent light bulbs in your home with compact fluorescent bulbs can lower your electric bill and reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Walking to your destination instead of taking the car is another way to reduce global warming. Recycling and using recycled products, installing alternative energy sources such as solar paneling and buying energy-efficient device also can contribute mightily.



1:Calculating the Carbon Footprint

The carbon footprint, measured in terms of carbon dioxide, characterizes the damage done to the environment by human activities that lead to the production of greenhouse gases. Accordingly, carbon dioxide emissions resulting from activities such as domestic energy consumption, transportation and nutrition are called primary carbon footprints. important for For this reason, before answering the question of how to prevent global warming, it is useful to learn the results of your own activities by getting support from the tools and websites developed to calculate the carbon footprint.

2:Using Renewable Energy Sources

Choosing institutions that offer clean energy options such as wind and solar energy is one of the most excellent steps that can be taken to protect the future of the world. However, if it is not possible for you to switch to renewable energy sources alone, you may consider implementing other ways to support renewable energy sources.<br><br>For example, solar panels can be used to heat water, electric cars can be preferred, more sunlight can be used for lighting. Rainwater can be used for garden irrigation.


3:Switching to Energy-Saving Home Appliances

Now, energy-saving models of almost every electronic home appliance are being developed. You can also use more energy efficient household appliances to contribute to the future of our world and to reduce billing expenses.<br><br>Energy-saving light bulbs, washing machines, refrigerators, televisions and more… While reducing your carbon footprint thanks to such household appliances. you can also make better use of a significant portion of the household income that previously went to bills.

4:Changing Consumption HabitsAn important part of energy consumption; It is used in growing, processing, packaging and shipping food. Almost half of these foods are wasted. In other words, our energy resources become garbage. From this point of view, it is possible to conclude that switching to a waste-free lifestyle will significantly reduce energy consumption. Traditional Turkish cuisine has hundreds of recipes in which no food is wasted. If you want to minimize your energy consumption, you can cook your own food at home instead of ordering or dining out, and for this, you can refer to nutritious, moderate and waste-free recipes.


5:Evaluating Waste

Not all waste is garbage. For example, materials such as paper, plastic, glass, aluminum can be recycled and serve different purposes. For this, you can start by separating the wastes that can be recycled and those that cannot be recycled at your home, workplace or school. Thus, by contributing to the Zero Waste Project implemented under the auspices of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s wife, Emine Erdoğan, you can combat climate change and save money.

How Living Things Are Affected by Climate Change

The answer to the question of how climate change affects animals can best be given with penguin photos at the poles. In order to draw attention to the effects of global warming, it is possible to commemorate polar bears with their photographs on land, not on the ice. In other words, as can be understood from this example, the natural life of animals is destroyed. The reason for this destruction is; It can be shown as the fact that people tend to very different areas with the developments, forgetting that they will exist together with nature, and harming nature. This damage caused by humans to nature threatens life from the largest to the smallest living things.


In order to prevent this situation, people should reduce their energy use as much as possible and should not allow climate change to destroy living things.

                    Changing Climate and Animals

It is known that a large proportion of climate change is caused by human causes. It is obvious that all layers such as the earth, atmosphere and lithosphere are affected by climate change. In this case, it will be impossible not to harm the animals. With the changes experienced, there is an increase in temperature in many areas or a decrease in temperature with the effect of global cooling. Since this change happens so quickly, it will not be possible for animals to keep up with this change. For this reason, the question of how climate change affects animals will be answered negatively.Because rapid climate change, rapid warming; means that animals cannot function in their habitual habitats.

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