Worlds smallest book by simi -
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Worlds smallest book


  • Joined Jun 2019
  • Published Books 1

Bryan and his parents lived in the projects of Bronx, New York. His dad had a group of friends that he went to hang out with them a lot, to play dominoes with them. Since it was the projects there were a lot of crimes and gang related stuff there but, Bryan’s mom found a family in Brooklyn, New York and they came the the Bronx. They had a son named Mike.

Worlds smallest book by simi -

Mike and Bryan got really close like brothers, they would go to the comic store and read some comics especially superhero ones. But before Mike and Bryan got close Bryan worried about Mike a little bit, because he would always talk to Bryan’s mom and he would think that Mike was his real brother and his mom would forget that he’s there.

Worlds smallest book by simi -

Bryan and his mom were spending some time together after she got back from work. They went to go get some food and they had a really good time together.

Worlds smallest book by simi -

Mike useually takes stuff from people but this time he shared some of his candy with Bryan.

Worlds smallest book by simi -

Bryan started to realize that Mike was a bad influence to him and others because he started to pressure people to do stuff they didn’t want to do, he started to be a big bully and Bryan wanted to stop to all of this immediately. So than Bryan told his mom and after they ended up fighting.

Worlds smallest book by simi -

               THE END   

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