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The best choice I have made is to be vegan.
I gave up a lot of the foods that I had priviously eaten everyday.
From the moment that I got into veganism I haven’t regretted this decision and I even wish I had taken it before.
Before I became vegan I hadn’t known things, for example :
We have a lot of alternatives that are not made of animal origin and they are much more healthy and nutritious; plus,
they are free from all the abuse and suffering of animals.
If my parents wouldn’t let me be a vegan, I wouldn’t keep eating regular food, even though no one would have supported me and it was very hard for me.
Also, I caused some people to be vegetarian and reduce their consumption of dairy products and eggs.
In the end, I am happy because I chose the best decision for me, and I don’t regret for a moment.


Dear Shamaim,

I strongly support your decision – It’s a brave one and I wish I had taken it myself when I was younger.

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