Why I LOVE Yogurt – illustrated by Harriet Goitein by Mel Rosenberg - מל רוזנברג - Illustrated by Harriet Goitein - Ourboox.com
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Why I LOVE Yogurt – illustrated by Harriet Goitein


Artwork: Harriet Goitein

After fruitful careers as a scientist and inventor I've gone back to what I love most - writing children's books Read More
  • Joined Oct 2013
  • Published Books 1558

In the middle of the night,

I awoke with quite a fright,

I heard something talking,

I felt something walking. 


illustrated by Harriet Goitein

“I’m a talking mouse named Burt,” he said.

I went back to bed

And tried to sleep

Burt talked and talked

Till my ears were sore.

Then he fell asleep

on the bedroom floor.

illustrated by Harriet Goitein

I got up at the break of dawn,

So very sure that Burt had gone,

But there he was, still snoring away.

He slept through the morning and

All of the day.

I went to the kitchen, ate a yogurt up

And placed Burt gently in the empty cup.


illustrated by Harriet Goitein

Then straight to my cupboard,

Quickly closing the door,

So no one could hear him talk or snore.


illustrated by Harriet Goitein

I didn’t speak to Father or Mother,

Not even to my older brother.

Even Burt, a talking mouse

Would not be welcome in our house.

illustrated by Harriet Goitein

The very next night I awoke with a scare,

I heard someone singing in the house, somewhere.

It was Burt’s sister, Frad, the singing mouse.

Frad sang and sang

Till both my ears rang,

And when she couldn’t sing any more

She fell asleep on my bedroom floor.


illustrated by Harriet Goitein

I ate another yogurt up,

And placed Frad in the empty cup,

Right next to Burt.


So she wouldn’t get hurt.


illustrated by Harriet Goitein

The next night there were five or more,

All prancing round my bedroom floor,

Acrobats or dancers, I can’t recall

(It was night-time and they were small).

They pirhouetted and pas de chat’ed

I ate the last yogurts that we had.

And put them next to Burt and Frad.


illustrated by Harriet Goitein

Mom bought more yogurts

At the store,

I ate them all up

I needed each cup!

illustrated by Harriet Goitein

Each night more mice arrive to stay,

I’m eating yogurts every day!

My Mother’s very proud of me,

I’m fit and healthy as can be –

My teeth are white,

My muscles strong,

But I wish they’d go back to where they belong!


illustrated by Harriet Goitein

Thank you for reading our book!

If you like it, you might also want to read other children’s books that I’ve written and Harriet Goitein has illustrated. For example:

“The House on Magic Street”

Here you can read more about me and see ALL my books on Ourboox

(I have many)

Or even better, create a book of your own!!! Here: www.ourboox.com

And finally, you can always write me at [email protected]


Or you can check out this book that was created by a prompt from me and content (and cover art) from AI. Spooky? You decide.

The Elevator Who Wanted to See the World


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