We took a short walk through Athens. A smell walk.
We followed the man smoking a cigarette.

We smelled the smell of autumn on a fallen leaf.

This coffee store grinds the coffee only once a day. We were lucky!

Beautiful people in a beautiful coffee house beckoned to us. I wanted to smell them but settled for a photo.

At the meat market, the smell was overpowering, but the welcome was grand. Everyone was waiting to meet us. We received a standing ovation.

And a headstand.

From the meat market, we headed back towards Ermou street. We smelled flowers…


and freshly baked Greek bagels.

They say that money has no smell, but purses sure do. The smell of leather was irresistable. Now my wife has two new purses. She needs more credit cards!

We sniffed our way back across Ermou street just in time to enjoy a terrific cup of hot chocolate. But that’s another story!!!

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If you like it, you might also want to read:
The Magic Chocolate Shoppe
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Published: Nov 7, 2014
Latest Revision: Dec 31, 2014
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-19741
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