On Magic Street,
There was once a small house
At number four,
In the basement lived the Mouse
On the ground floor,
A fairy,
Named Clare
And her sister, Sherry,
On the roof above,
A family of
Mr. and Mrs. Love,
And their children, Ruby and Dove.

One cold winter day,
Mr. Badfellow Carnibore,
Came knocking at the door
Of the house.
Mr. and Mrs. Mouse
Were in the basement,
Eating their curds and whey,
The Loves were out
Looking for hay,
For their nest,
So Sherry, sister of Fairy Clare,
Opened the door
To welcome the guest.

“Pray tell,
Do you wish to sell your house,
If so, I have come to inquire,
How much money you desire.”
“We have no wish whatsoever, to sell,
Not now, not ever.
I am quite sure, as well,
That Mr. and Mrs. Mouse
And the Lovebirds,
Have no such desire,”
Sherry replied.
Would you like to come inside
And sit by the fire?”

Mr. Badfellow Carnibore
Went away,
But later that day,
Not long after he was gone,
Sherry saw a
“For sale” sign
On their front lawn.

That very afternoon
Mr. Carnibore
Knocked again at the front door.
“All the others on Magic Street,
Have agreed to sell,
I must buy this property
As well.”
“So please accept my proposition,
And with your permission,
I’ll begin the demolition.”

Fairy Sherry understood,
That this could not be good.
So she
Closed the door,
And began to cry.

That evening,
They had a meeting,
Clare served
Cheddar cheese,
Green peas,
Worms from ponds
And tea with scones.
Sherry looked up the word “demolition”
In the dictionary,

As soon as they knew
What Mr. Carnibore wished to do,
They reached a decision.
That very night,
A thousand birds flew in from near and far,
And dropped you-know-what on Mr. Carnibore’s car,
What a sight!
But he just said
“Oh gosh”
And drove straight to the car wash.

So then they dropped you-know-what on Mr. Carnibore’s head.
He said, “I do say,”
Shampooed his toupee,
And went to bed.
Every mouse from miles around
Came to party at Mr. Carnibore’s house,
They ate cheese and crackers galore,
And danced on his floor,
Mr. Carnibore said, “Very well,”
And went to sleep in a motel.

The only thing left
For Sherry and Clare to do
Was to give a call to
You know who –
Cousin Harry,
The dream fairy.

That very night Mr. Carnibore had a dream so bad,
Perhaps the worst he had ever had.
In his dream, Mr. Carnibore,
Tore down all the homes on Magic Street,
And built a giant mall,
Seventy stories tall.
But when the mall was built,
No one came to shop, no one at all.
Townspeople had strikes and demonstrations,
They wrote letters to the United Nations,
In his dream, which was very bad
Mr. Carnibore lost all the money he ever had,
He went broke,
And then awoke.

The very next morning,
Mr. Carnibore understood,
The dream was a warning,
That he’d better be good.
That same day he had an idea, so very new,
A way to keep the house, but build the mall, too.
A giant crane Lifted the little house high
To the top on the new shopping mall,
Right next to the sky.
The lovebird’s nest is now the highest in town,
The Mouse Family still lives in the basement,
But it’s now the highest basement around,
A basement with a breeze,
And every day he sends
Them a big box of yellow cheese
And sisters Sherry and Clare,
Have a view
From over here to way over there.
And the Magic Street Mall,
Is the most amazing mall of them all.
They have a green
popcorn machine
That pops and pops
And never stops.
There is so much to see and
Even more to do,
And if you come tomorrow,
You might see me too!!

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Published: Feb 28, 2014
Latest Revision: Apr 25, 2021
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-4416
Copyright © 2014