Greg the Musical Egg by Mel Rosenberg - מל רוזנברג -
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Greg the Musical Egg

After fruitful careers as a scientist and inventor I've gone back to what I love most - writing children's books Read More
  • Joined Oct 2013
  • Published Books 1558

Oh, hello everyone, and welcome to

“Show and tell with Dr. Mel”.

I’m Dr. Mel, and on our show today we have a special guest:

Ferdinand the dinosaur.

Greg the Musical Egg by Mel Rosenberg - מל רוזנברג -

I think I have a phone call…

(Ring ring… ring ring…)


(It’s Sam, my producer)

This is “Show and tell with Dr. Mel”, Dr. Mel is speaking,

how are you doing Sam? 


he says that dinosaurs don’t exist anymore.

I should do something else?



Start again.


Hello everyone, and welcome to “Show and tell with Dr. Mel”.

I’m Dr. Mel.

And today on our show we have a letter.

And the letter is from Pierre, Pierre is from Paris, France. He is from France.

And what Pierre really wants to know is:

“what is the difference between a musical egg and a real egg?”


Well, ok, Pierre, on our show today we have two special guests:

our first guest is Ervin.

Ervin is a musical egg. He is made of plastic. We can bang him against the plate…

and nothing happens.

We can sing a song with him. He’s written his own song, and it goes like this:


“My name is Ervin I’m a musical egg,

I have  got a head but I’ve got no leg

I was born in a place called Winnipeg,

I’m Ervin the musical egg”. 

Greg the Musical Egg by Mel Rosenberg - מל רוזנברג -

Our other guest on the show today is Greg.

Greg is a real egg. Real eggs come from birds.

This egg, Greg the egg comes from a chicken.

Because, when we eat eggs they come from chickens.

We can have scrambled eggs, poached eggs, egg salad, chicken salad…

oh, that’s a different salad, we can have egg sandwiches, and they are all made out of eggs.

Eggs have whites, and they have yolks, and they have a shell.




Greg the Musical Egg by Mel Rosenberg - מל רוזנברג -

and when you take a real egg, and you smash it against the plate – it breaks.

Oh no…

ha, well, we just interviewed Greg, who was an egg.

Lets go have lunch.


Thank you for being on “Show and tell with Dr. Mel”,

ha ha ha…



Thank you for reading our book!

If you like it, you might also want to read other books from

“Show and tell with Dr. Mel” series, such as:

“How to peel a banana backwards”:


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