The Beatles wrote songs about all kinds of animals, except:
1. Birds
2. Walruses
3. Octopuses
4. Worms

OK, that was easy. This one is more difficult. Some people say that Brian Epstein was the fifth Beatle. He was particularly fond of
1. sliced ham
2. sliced turkey
3. sushi
4. gefilte fish

How big were the holes in Blackburn, Lancashire?
1. Very large
2. Medium to large
3. Gigantic
4. Rather small

Ok, we’re warming up. In the song “Why Don’t We Do it in the Road”, what does “do it” refer to?
1. Dancing a rumba
2. Hanging laundry to dry
3. Having a picnic.
4. None of the above.

The Fab Four named their band the Beatles because they liked
1. insects
2. small German vehicles
3. Buddy Holly
4. misspelling words.

Who doesn’t have a lot to say?
1. Polyethylene Pam
2. Lovely Rita
3. Seargent Pepper
4. Her Majesty

Who studied pataphysical science?
1. Copernicus
2. Maxwell
3. Lavoisier
4. Joan

Complete the following sentence. “All you need is …..”
1. Brotherhood
2. Friendship
3. Love
4. Mouthwash

Who is the clever mystery person in the picture? Hint: He was critical to the great success of the Beatles.
1. Maxwell Smart
2. George Orwell
3. King George VI
4. George Martin

If you got all the answers right, you must be very clever. Or have nothing better to do than listening to Beatles songs all day long. Not that there is anything wrong with that, I do it myself. And if you are very clever indeed, you should have no problem answering all of my quizzes in “Quizzes for Whizzes“, another of my exciting books at www.ourboox.com.
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The Sixties: Evolution of the Revolution
Do you Know your Sixties Music?
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Published: Feb 8, 2014
Latest Revision: Jun 17, 2016
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-3202
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